How cool would it be to graduate the next wave of designers with a degree in Climate Design?

This is our Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

But for now, CD EDU is providing design educators with the resources, projects, support, and additional ways they can bring climate-related content into their classrooms.

Listen to Climify

Connecting climate scientists and design educators so that we can bring climate-related projects into our classrooms

Latest episode

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Project Briefs

Simple, easy assignments ready for your classroom

New Wave Research Project

The first-ever initiative that centers students’ experiences at the intersection of climate change and design education

2022 Fall Report available now

Resources for Design Educators

Helping you understand the basics of climate science, sustainability, and more

Let us know how
we can help

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Need some help?

Send us an email so we can talk through multiple ways to introduce climate into specific projects, provide a lecture for your class, and more.

Want to have us present to your class?

We've already spoken at various schools. Some of them include MassArt, MICA, Notre Dame, UC: Irvine, UM: Flint, UT: Austin, University of Arkansas, University of Wisconsin, University of Florida, and VCU.

Why are we doing this?

Designers create new things every day. The choices educators make in nurturing the design process toward responsible creation is vital to the health and vitality of our society and planet as we face the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced - solving global warming.

Educators already face too many daily challenges keeping up with technology, leading students through a pandemic, and balancing all the work required of us to keep our jobs or work toward promotion and tenure.

Adding an extra parameter of climate action into our already burdensome workload seems unfair. This is why we have put together these resources to help you introduce and discuss climate change in your design classroom effectively and help graduate the next creative leaders in design whose goal it is to solve our climate crisis.

We’re seeking feedback from design educators from around the globe. We want to know what typical projects you teach in all levels of higher education, so we can set a baseline to develop climate science parameters and resources that can be included. Even if you teach typography 101, we want to know!

Calling all Design Educators!

Stay in the loop as we update this page with providing support and resources for design educators.